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ut vērās imitētur avēs. Puer Īcarus ūna               195

stābat et, ignārus sua sē tractāre perīcla,

ōre renīdēntī modo, quās vaga mōverat aura

captābat plūmās, flāvam modo pollice cēram

mollībat lūsūque suō mīrābile patris

impediēbat opus. postquam manus ultima coeptō               200

inposita est, geminās opifex librāvit in ālās

ipse suum corpus mōtāque pependit in aura;

instruit et nātum 'mediō' que 'ut līmite currās,

Īcare,' ait 'moneō, nē, sī dēmissior ībis,

unda gravet pennās, sī celsior, ignis adūrat:               205

inter utrumque volā, nec tē spectāre Boōten

aut Helicēn iubeō strictumque Orīonis ēnsem;

mē duce carpe viam.' pariter praecepta volandī

trādit et ignōtās umerīs accommodat ālās.

inter opus monitusque genae maduēre senīlēs               210

et patriae tremuēre manus. dedit ōscula nātō

nōn iterum repetenda suō pennīsque levātus

ante volat comitīque timet, velut āles ab altō

quae teneram prōlem prōdūxit in āera nīdō,

hortāturque sequī damnōsāsque ērudit artēs               215

et movet ipse suās et nātī respicit ālās.

hōs aliquis tremulā dum captat harundine piscēs

aut pastor baculō stīvāve innixus arātor

vīdit et obstipuit, quīque aethera carpere possent,

crēdidit esse deōs. et iam Iunōnia laeva               220

parte Samos (fuerant Dēlosque Parosque relictae)

dextra Lebinthos erat fēcundaque melle Calymne,

cum puer audācī coepit gaudēre volātū

dēseruitque ducem caelīque cupīdine tractus

altius ēgit iter. rapidī vīcīnia sōlis               225

mollit odōrātās, pennārum vincula, cērās.

tābuerant cērae; nūdōs quatit ille lacertōs

rēmigiōque carēns nōn ullās percipit aurās,

ōraque caeruleā patrium clāmantia nōmen

excipiuntur aquā, quae nōmen traxit ab illō.               230

at pater infēlix, nec iam pater, 'Īcare,' dīxit,

'Īcare,' dīxit 'ubī es? quā tē regiōne requīram?'

'Īcare' dīcēbat: pennās aspexit in undīs

dēvōvitque suās artēs corpūsque sepulcrō

condidit; et tellūs ā nōmine dicta sepultī.               235


195 - "with his father" is implied

298 - pollex, -is m. thumb / cēra, -ae, f. wax

200 - "manus ultima" literally last touch, finishing touch / coeptus, -ūs m. undertaking

201 - A rich latin word, can be translated as craftsman or inventor in this case

203 - ut signifies an indirect command

205 - penna, -ae f. feather, wing / supply pennās for adūrat

206 - The name remains the same today (Bootes)

207 - Helicēn is now known as the big dipper

208 - Carpe is imperative

209 - Note how ignōtās and ālās wrap the clause

210 - Madeō, -ēre, -uī to be wet / Note the meter of the next four lines. How do the similarities and differences reinforce the actual text

212 - Note the foreshadowing

213 - āles can both mean winged and a bird / Note the metaphor

215 - Note the foreshadowing with damnōsās

218 - Innixus can take an ablative (eg supported by ___)

220 - Remember that iam and Iunōnia do not elide, since Iunōnia does not actually start with an i

222 - Mel, mellis n. honey

223 - Volātus, -ūs m flying, flight

226 - Note how pennārum vincula is surrounded by what it describes

228 - Note the likening of wings to oars

229 - Metonymy, with Icarus being referred to as a mouth

231 - nec iam = no longer

232 - Requīrō, requīrere, requīsīvī, requīsītus to require, seek

234 - Sepulcrum, -ī, n. burial place, grave, tomb

235 - Condō, condere, condidī, conditus to build / Tellūs, -ūris f. ground, earth, land

RJ Tarrant Fixes limited to modification of punctuation, e.g. a period to a semi colon. There were no major differences

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